Create your own scent
Create your own scent
Creating your own scent or perfume can be a fun and rewarding experience, but it requires some knowledge and preparation. Here are some steps you can follow to create your own scent:


Creating your own scent or perfume can be a fun and rewarding experience, but it requires some knowledge and preparation. Here are some steps you can follow to create your own scent:.

  • Research: Before you start creating your scent, do some research on the different fragrance families and note what scents you like and dislike. This will help you create a scent that reflects your personal taste.
  • Gather supplies: You will need essential oils, carrier oils, alcohol, and bottles to create your scent. You can purchase these supplies from a fragrance supplier or online.
  • Create a base: Begin by creating a base for your scent using a carrier oil such as jojoba oil or fractionated coconut oil. Add your chosen essential oils to the carrier oil, starting with the base notes and then adding the middle and top notes.
  • Experiment: Play around with different scent combinations and ratios until you find a blend that you love. It's best to start with small amounts of each oil so you can easily adjust the scent as needed.
  • Let it sit: Once you have created your scent, let it sit for at least 24 hours to allow the oils to blend and develop. Smell the scent again after this time to see if you want to make any adjustments.
  • Dilute: If you are creating a perfume, you will need to dilute your scent with alcohol. Mix your scent with 90% alcohol and let it sit for a few days to allow the alcohol to evaporate and the scent to mature.
  • Bottle your scent: Once your scent is complete, bottle it in a small glass or plastic bottle with a spray or dropper top. Keep the scent in a cool, dark place to preserve its fragrance.

Creating your own scent can be a fun and creative process, but it may take some time and experimentation to find the perfect blend. Be patient, have fun, and enjoy the process!